June Challenge: Fitfluential’s Squat Challenge #FFSquat


I haven’t really posted much about being a Fitfluential Ambassador, but I’ve been one since about April now. They run a lot of awesome tweet chats as well as giveaways and challenges. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to participate in challenges recently, but I figured I’d give their June squat challenge a go, especially since it could help with my running and my dancing.

It’s relatively simple–they’re asking beginners to aim for 1,000 squats in the month of June (which is what I’ll be going for) and for those who are more advanced to aim for 100 a day.  I’ll try and keep a running  update weekly on the site as to how I’m doing!

You can use this guide to keep track, too and join the Facebook event here. In addition, Fitfluential is also giving away a Polar Heart Rate Monitor here.

