Beginner Ballet Tips: What to do Over the Holidays

As I’ve written about recently, many of us won’t be able to make it to ballet classes over the holidays. I’ve made plans to stretch and do a few at home DVDs a few times a week, even though I know it won’t be the same as going to the classes I normally go to throughout the week. But it’ll have to do, especially as I visit friends this week and head to relatives houses in the middle of no where next week.

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Do you take classes over the holidays?

English: A ballet dancer doing barre work.

.(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One of the things we discussed on Tweetchat on Saturday was how we weren’t sure what we were going to do over the holidays–most of us don’t go to studios that offer classes over the holidays. The studios I attend do (with the exception of Christmas Eve and Day and New Year’s Eve and Day), however, I will be away at families’ houses for the majority of the holidays since I have a winter break at college. I plan on doing my ballet workout DVD and well as my modern dance DVD, in addition to lots of stretching and theraband exercises.

Do your studios offer classes over the holidays?