Tips on How to Drink Enough Water

After waking up one morning last week with terribly dry skin (after barely drinking any water the day before),  I’ve decided to get my act together and start drinking more water. I’ve tried a bunch of things from apps to flavored water, but I ultimately usually just end up resorting to the same habits.

I also usually end up super dehydrated in ballet class and tend to drink more when I get home. Then I end up having to get up and pee several times throughout the night, which makes for a grumpy Kristen in the morning when she hasn’t slept well.

Like I usually do when I need advice, I turned to the various communities I’m a part of on Twitter and Facebook for some tips for drinking water throughout the day.

Monica from recommended Camelbak‘s website to determine how much water I actually needed to be drinking. I love my Camelbak insulated bottle I got from Core Power, so I went to check it out.

Camelbak has an awesome Hydration Calculator on their website:

Screenshot 2014-03-30 12.37.41The calculator unfortunately didn’t have ballet (or any type of dance) in their activity list. So I went with running for 30 minutes. You answer other questions too, like how much you sweat, what color your pee currently is, the temperature, etc. I love that it tells me how much to drink of my water bottle, too:

Screenshot 2014-03-30 12.41.01(I have the podium water bottle)

They’ve got a link to a more in-depth blog post about it, too, with a more detailed calculator.

Monica also said:

“I sometimes use Crystal Light instead of the drops. another thing I do in the summer, I’ll toss in frozen grapes, berries, pineapple, mango, or citrus slices, kiwi – really whatever fruit I happen to have on hand. Or even make ice cubes out of my favorite fruit juices and toss those in. It looks more visually appealing to me so I have bigger incentive to carry it with me and drink.”

Ashley of had some great advice about fruit-flavored waters, too:

“I have a couple tricks I use. It is hard for me to drink water when it is cold especially. I always have a water bottle on me. I make myself drink one glass before I eat /first wake up. Using straws helps me drink more for some reason. I used to use flavoring but didn’t like the ingredients so I used a bottle with an infuser on the bottle I can toss fruit in if I am struggling drinking regular water.”

Thanks to her, I’ll be on the hunt for a fruit-infuser bottle at Marshall’s (where she got hers) and other discount stores!

Amber also shared this great blog post on How to Increase Water Intake and told me to take it slowly and not try to increase it by too much all at one time.

Others had similar recommendations:

“I keep a water bottle next to the bed. I sip every time I wake up (which is every few hours) and then before I get out bed, I drink a cup, at least. My bottle is 4 servings, so I usual get two before getting up to shower.
I also noticed I drink more with a straw, so I always use a straw water bottle.
I keep it with me and try to sip every hour when I get up to walk or stretch. That adds up quite easily.
I’m a big diet coke girl, which I use as a water challenge. I can’t have one at dinner if I don’t have a tall glass of water first. Same for refill. If we are out somewhere, I have to have a water in between. I always drink less diet coke and get the water in….”

–Susan of

I loved this recommendation because I’m a huge coffee drinker and often forget to drink water when I drink a lot of coffee. Starting now, I’m going to try to drink one cup of water before every cup of coffee.

Megan of also had some great suggestions:

“Lemon water, cucumber and strawberry water, and plain cucumber water are great! I have my clients put rubber bands around their water bottle each day (depends on the size of the water bottle, but usually 4-5 bands). Each time they finish the bottle, they can take off one rubber band, and it has to be rubber-band-free by the end of the day! Setting a calendar reminder for every hour to take a few sips also helps if you’re at a desk!”

I’m definitely going to be setting a calendar reminder for drinking water, since I use my calendar for a lot of other things, too.

Twitter had some great advice too, my favorite being to associate drinking water with an activity you do frequently (like using the bathroom!) and holding yourself accountable by sharing results on social media.

Here’s what my next steps will be:

  • Find a cheap infuser bottle
  • Drink one cup of water for every cup of coffee
  • Use calendar reminders to remind me to drink
  • Post photos on Instagram and Twitter to keep myself accountable

How do you motivate yourself to drink enough water throughout the day?

Reader Survey: Help Adult Ballerina Project Out!

This survey will only take you about 10 minutes and you’ll be helping me out a lot. This survey will help me better determine what I should be providing you with as a reader of this blog!

“There’s a reason why we do the boring exercises.”

“There’s a reason why we do the boring exercises.”

One of the instructors says this in Dance Academy, demonstrating how simple quarter turns eventually adds up to multiple pirouettes and fouettes. I was reminded of the value of the “boring exercises” in my class last Monday.

Despite being pretty tired from the weekend and work, I decided to try out Philly Dance Fitness’s new Monday night beginner ballet class. The instructor has been with Philly Dance Fitness for a while, but she just started teaching a new ballet class. I’m always nervous about taking classes with new instructors (since I never know what to expect), but luckily the class was at least in a familiar studio.

It was a super back-to-basics class, which I feel like I really needed. Currently, I’m trying really hard to focus on not over-pronating, which can be really tough to do when we’re doing more difficult combinations. The simple combinations allowed me to really focus in on this (although wearing too tight ballet slippers made this a little tougher). In addition, it was a pretty small class (there was only about five of us), which was nice. My only qualm about the class was that it was so late (8 to 9:15pm).

Overall, it was really nice to focus on the basics and work on positioning my body properly and having better technique.

I’ll definitely be keeping this class in my rotation so that I can keep working on the basics and really focus on not over-pronating.

Have you taken a “back-to-basics” class lately?

Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud #5


Check out the link up at!

Admittedly, it’s been pretty hectic around here. HQ started a new job last week (yay!) meaning I’ve been doing a lot of this blog work solo (if you notice more typos or grammar mistakes, that’s why).

Dancing with the Stars

10.01.2014 Ice Dance Championships SDI’ve actually never watched this dance TV show, but I tuned in on Monday to catch Meryl Davis and Charlie White. While I’m far from the biggest fan of the show, I imagine I’ll keep tuning in while the two of them are still on the show.

Talenti Gelato

Talenti Fudge Brownie GelatoEarlier this week, I was really craving gelato, and really wanted to get some from one of the gelato places in Philly. Unfortunately, that’ll run you about $5 for a teeny tiny cup of it. Although this is fairly expensive compared to other store bought ice creams, this stuff is delicious.

Yoga Time

My dance studio is running a “Yoga for Runners” class on Sunday that I’m super excited for. Not just because I’m a runner, but because usually yoga classes made for runners give my ballet muscles a good stretch, too!

Do you watch Dancing with the Stars? Have you taken a yoga class recently?


My Current at Home Exercise List

Pilates classes help keep European military communities fit - FMWRC - US Army - 100924I’ve been trying to do better at doing my physical therapy-esque exercises to improve my strength. I wanted to share my current list of exercises so that I could get recommendations on what everyone else does for cross-training for ballet.  More than anything, I  was hoping that having it up publicly would help motivate myself to do them everyday!

Here’s my list:

10 First Position Calf Raises
10 Inverted First Position Calf Raises
10 Single Leg Calf Raises (each, 20 Total)
20 Clamshells (each side, 40 Total)
20 Leg Lifts (each side, 30 Total
20 squats
20 ballerina squats
60 second plank
30 second side plank (each side)
40 Bicycle Crunches
20 push-ups
Various Theraband exercises

I’m also looking to incorporate barre3 workouts a few times a week as well since HQ bought me a DVD set awhile back before I got injured.

What exercises do you do for cross-training? Do you have any recommendations for me?