Struggling to Stay on Track

I need some motivation this Monday.

This week marks the beginning of the last two weeks of college classes in my undergraduate college career. Yikes. I’ve been super busy, and therefore practicing ballet and working out has kind of fallen to the wayside over the past week. I skipped Saturday’s ballet and pointe not for this reason–but because my shin splints were acting up like crazy after an attempted run on Friday.

When a friend posted on Facebook that she both admired and despised those who worked out during finals week it reminded me how much I need working out to help keep me sane. Although it takes 45 minutes to an hour of my time, it’s so worth it in the end because it helps keep me focused (sometimes you just need a break from staring at a computer for hours upon hours) and helps me sleep better. But, I need to remember to take it easy so what happened this past weekend doesn’t happen again.


So today, I’m re-beginning my Couch to 5k training plan outside in hopes that training this way doesn’t kill my shins this time, and fitting in some yoga/stretching while I get some reading in.

How do you fit exercise into the busy parts of your life?
