Why are dancers so clumsy?


What comes up when you do a search for “why are dancers so…”

Dancers are supposed to be graceful, so why is it that so many of us seem to be so clumsy when out of the studio? Not that I’m exactly uber graceful when in the studio either–but I’m certainly a klutz outside the studio. I’ve been resting the past few days after slightly twisting my ankle while carrying stuff to my apartment on Sunday.

There are lots of different theories on why dancers are more clumsy:

The Dance Project lists a few reasons: dancers lack ankle dorisflexion (flexing their feet) and dancers tend to develop  thoracic outlet syndrome.

There’s also a popular Dance.net forum topic dedicated to different theories. My favorite is this joke:

“If a 2X4 is laying on the floor of a stage an actor will trip on it, a stagehand will step over it, and a dancer will trip on the spot where the board was long after it has been put away.”

Are you clumsy outside of dance? What do you “blame” it on?


Is it possible that dancing could be making me even more clumsy?

Dance requires a fair bit of balance and coordination, but according to an article by the The Dance Training Project, it could be making you clumsy.

Now, I’m a pretty clumsy person to begin with–and I’m clumsy in my dancing too–but part of me wants to blame these reasons that dancers are clumsy for the reason I tripped and fell on my ass yesterday when attempting my first Couch-to-5k run.

I was doing my second walking portion of the training and trying to fix my headphones–when BAM!–my foot landed at an awkward on the part of the track where it just begins to slope downwards and landed on my butt, just barely scraping my knee. Now, there weren’t too many people on the track to witness me being a complete klutz, but the two guys who were walking near me asked if I was okay cause they saw it happen. I’m just glad they weren’t laughing.

Otherwise–it was a really good first training run and I finished 2.64 miles and got an exciting e-mail with some exciting news which I’ll be sharing next week!

Have you noticed that you’ve been more clumsy as a result of dancing?