A Job and Lessons Learned

I’ve been away from this blog a bit for a few reasons: last week I started working 3-days a week at my job (wahoo!) and it’s a bit tough mentally to be writing about ballet when you can’t actually do ballet. I’m still going to try to stick to about 3 posts a week–although I might not reach that goal until after the New Year. Normally, I’d prepare some posts, but seeing as how I’m a writer and we’ll also be doing the same thing for our publication at work I can see it not exactly happening.

It wasn’t until last Monday that I learned (for certain) that my internship was being extended into a part-time job. I’m super excited–although it made getting blog posts up for last week tough especially since I was struggling with some annoying headaches all week long (which getting about 3 hours of sleep Monday night will do to you).

Now for a stress fracture update–the end of this past week was the first time my legs truly started to feel better–probably because I stuck to wearing sneakers from Thursday on. It’s tough to do sometimes (especially when I do occasionally need to dress nice for work), but for now my best option is to be wearing sneakers as much as possible.

This week, I’ll have the usual Friday profile as well as a guest post on Wednesday from another elf, Renee, (from #Elf4Health) on running. We’re supposed to be sharing our expertise, so I’ll be over sharing about ballet on her blog! I’m also going to try and fit in both a 2013 recap and 2014 goals in the next few weeks too.

In addition, I’ll be starting a professional writer blog/resume website too, so stay tuned for that!

What has your December been like?

Brief Hiatus

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been overwhelmed lately with my classes and new work commitments that I’ve been at a loss of what to post on here lately, and I feel like I could use a brief break to get everything organized and focus on my ballet classes and practice and figure out the direction this blog is headed.

I also need some time to figure out and manage the issues I’ve been having with horrible shin splints/tendonitis/whatever.

I’ll be back in roughly two weeks with more articles and profiles (sorry to those who’ve been waiting to see there’s go up, they’ll be up when I get back, I promise!)

Thanks for continuing to read this blog, and I’ll try to keep posting some links with tips and other advice in the meanwhile to the Facebook page.