ABP is Back Up and Running!

After working on the site for a few hours…Adult Ballerina Project is just about ready to go!

What the site first looked like when I uploaded my new design!

What the site first looked like when I uploaded my new design–a mess!

A few notable changes that I’m testing out:

Social Media Icons: You can now find out all of our social media accounts at the top of page to stay in touch with ABP across multiple channels.

New Mobile Theme: The web design will be visible on mobile devices, too.

Disqus Comments: Allows users to use their social media accounts to comment rather than fill out a form each time.

And lastly (although it’s not finished yet): the studios are moving back to the main site. I’m still working on making this all happen, but I’ll update when they’re up. You’ll be able to find links to them in the sidebar, too.
