I’ve just started to scratch the surface of all the wonderful responses everyone left in my reader survey–there were 49 in total. Here’s part one of the survey results, including what age my readers fall into, how everyone gets updates from ABP, and what posts everyone enjoys reading the most.
Reader Age
These numbers didn’t really surprise me. Most of those surveyed were between 18-25 and 26-35.
Reader Gender
Most of my readers are female, but I’m glad to see I have a few male readers!
How Readers Discovered ABP
These numbers kind of really surprised me. I knew I got a lot of hits from Google, but I was surprised to find out that so many of my consistent readers first found me from Google. I was also surprised to find that many of my readers found me via other bloggers.
How Do Readers Receive ABP Updates
These were pretty much even across the board and not too surprising, although it was somewhat surprising to learn that most people visit the site directly versus some other service.
What Posts Readers Like Most
Overwhelmingly, most people want to see Beginner Ballerina Profiles and blog posts about my personal journey.
I’ll probably do a summary of the rest of the survey in the next week or two–thanks for reading everyone!
What type of posts do you like reading the most on ABP? What would you like to see more of?