My article for Geekadelphia: Q&A and Catching Up with Erin Filson of Geeks for CONsent

Erin_Filson_profileThis happened a little while ago, but figure it was worth sharing again since the Geeks for CONsent team has made national news with their campaign to get SDCC to have an official anti-harrassment policy.

I spoke with former Geek of the Week, Erin Filson, Creative Director of the team (and the creator of this awesome anti-street harassment comic and the SEPTA anti-street harassment ads), about how the team is spreading the word about how to prevent harassment at comic cons (including their role as in-house anti-harassment team at Awesome Con), and how they’re gearing up for SDCC.

Find it here:

Busy + Stressed = No Posts, But I’m Here, I Promise

Work kind of got the best of me last week– I had a highly stressful, but productive week (just not on ABP). I spent my weekend being a teaching assistant at Girl Develop It Philly‘s WordPress class and felt way out of my league at times, partially due to the fact that I hadn’t had a chance to review any of the materials for the class ahead of time. In the end, though, it was a great feeling to help the people that I could learn more about WordPress.

I did  get the chance to get excited about all the cool improvements I can make to Adult Ballerina Project to make it looker better AND have more functionality–especially the studio guide.

I’ll also have my first (of many, hopefully) post going up on Geekadelphia this week (which I’ll be sure to share) and a ballet profile coming up on here on Friday.

Unfortunately, I haven’t made it to a ballet class in what feels like ages.

My legs have felt pretty crappy lately–I’m guessing due to them not getting a proper chance to heal and rest due to all that stress–but I’m hoping Thursday’s class will be alright. Fingers crossed (and stress-reducing tips appreciated).

P.S. My email was sending out spam Sunday night/Monday morning EST, so sorry if you got any of it–DON’T CLICK ON THE LINKS. It shouldn’t happen again (the issue should be resolved)–but please let me know ASAP if you get another. I’m so sorry it happened.