How Hemp Oil can improve your recovery time [review]

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of CW Botanicals. The opinions and text are all mine.

Hey readers! I know its been awhile since I’ve posted, but it’s because I’ve been super super busy, and working on getting back into running, in addition to our crazy dance schedule. We had a performance back at the end of July and I’ve been working pretty hard.

20150830_103725I was recently offered a chance to try CW Botanicals Chocolate Mint Hemp Oil (note: Hemp oil is completely legal and safe for over-the-counter use as it is derived from hemp, not marijuana or medical.) I’ve always been interested about the possible benefits of Hemp products when I see them when out shopping and this was the perfect opportunity!

CW Botanicals produces a whole plant hemp extract naturally high in CBD in MCT oil. The chocolate mint flavor tastes great, and it was even perfect on its own. I loved that I could just take a couple of droppers full (2-3 is the recommended amount). Or, if you like, it works great as a mix in with some milk and protein (mint chocolate shake anyone?).

According to CW Botanicals, possible health of the oil include: can speed recovery time after working out, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety neurologically protective, can alleviate some pain conditions, helps restore balance in body, promotes general wellness. So far, it’s definitely seemed to help with post-exercise soreness, especially when I’ve been working my legs so hard.

Here’s the ingredients:

You can follow @cwbotanicals  and on Facebook to learn more about all things hemp & hemp oil.


Disclaimer: CW Botanicals is the only hemp oil derived exclusively from Charlotte’s Web™. CW Botanicals is the exclusive provider of premium Charlotte’s Web™ products made from our proprietary hemp genetics, grown internationally as well as in Colorado. Our products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Promo code “CW2015” is good for 30% off Charlotte’s WebTM Hemp Extract Mint Chocolate MCT Oil 500mg. Limit 2 per order, promo coupon code discount offer expires on August 31, 2015. To order, visit:

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of CW Botanicals. The opinions and text are all mine.


Listen While You Workout Campaign

I was given a MacMillan Audio book in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own, not MacMillan’s. I was not otherwise compensated for this review.


Getting motivated to workout this spring can be difficult. I’ve struggled getting back into running and ballet because of the harsh and cold winters we’ve suffered here. We’ve also had about 15 snowstorms which can make running outside and getting class anything but a walk in the park.

MacMillan Audio recently launched their second annual LISTEN WHILE YOU WORK OUT CAMPAIGNwhich seemed like the perfect way to motivate me to get back into running, stretching and ballet.

I have to admit, I’m not much of an audio book listener. I often find myself distracted by looking at or reading something (or even my own thoughts) while trying to listen to them.  But the audio book I’ve been listening to (Runner by Patrick Lee) has been perfect for holding my attention.  It’s perfect for helping me stretch a little longer (you have to wait until the end of the chapter before you can stop!) and motivating me to do a couple more reps of strength training. As a bonus, it’s been great to keep myself entertained during my 30+ minute commute–I walk and take a train.

Users can participate in MacMillan’s program  by signing up on the website and logging in the amount of minutes that they spent listening to audiobooks that week (there’s samples of audiobooks available, including Runner). Five users will be featured each week and you can join in at anytime until June. (There’s also a contest going on to win a Fitbit Flex if you visit their website.)

I can’t wait until it’s a little bit warmer and I can try running and listening to Runner.

Learn more by visiting

Have you ever tried listening to an audio book while working out? 

I was given a MacMillan Audio book in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own, not MacMillan’s. I was not otherwise compensated for this review.