Beginner Ballerina Profile: Beth Porter of Trees and Toes

This week’s profile is of Beth Porter who runs a blog over on Tumblr called Trees and Toes! She also wrote a fabulous guest post last week, Turnout in Your Twenties.

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Why did you decide to take ballet as an adult?

I had been intrigued by ballet for a few years, and after I moved to Washington DC, I found that I finally had time for a hobby and I needed something separate from my job and other passion (environmental work). Ballet provided just the right mix of a mental challenge and physical activity, plus offered an immensely freeing way of self-expression. I was hooked right away!

 Where do you take classes?

A few studios around Washington, DC: Joy of Motion, Dance Institute of Washington, and occasionally I do drop-in classes at the Washington Ballet. I travel a bit for work and try to take drop in classes at other companies like Alonzo King Lines Ballet and the Joffrey Ballet when in SF and Chicago.

 What is your favorite part about ballet?

As far as specific moves or exercises, I love doing circular port de bras, fondus, and rond de jambes at the barre. I also love arabesques and grand jetes en tournant are quite fun.

What is your least favorite part?

I’m always challenged by making my glissades a bit tighter and quicker! Long legs are tough to pull in quickly…so I’d have to say combinations with quick glissades. Also, when class is nearly over and we’re all worn out but the instructor asks for 32 changements. 🙂

 Who/What is your ballet inspiration?

I seek out taller dancers to follow, like Joffrey Dancers Valerie Robin and Fabrice Calmels, many of the dancers from Ballet West, as well as Teresa Reichlen from NYCB…they always inspire me to embrace my height and use my long limbs the best ways possible. I also adore watching Sylvie Guillem and her amazing fluidity and flexibility.

 What motivates you to keep dancing?

The drive to improve my technique in the hopes of eventually being able to perform! And honestly, when I go a week without taking a class or practicing on my own, I feel my entire attitude shift. Dancing keeps me positive and energized.

 Do you take any other dance classes?

Not yet, but I’d love to start learning some modern and branch out into contemporary ballet.

 What are your hobbies outside of ballet?

I’m kind of a tree nerd and love helping out local non-profits in DC that do tree plantings and education. I also enjoy going to the many art museums and galleries around the city and spending time with friends while eating delicious food!

What advice would you like to give to those who want to start ballet or have just started?

As cliche as it may sound…don’t give up! It’s so easy to feel inferior as a beginner, especially when you’re in a class with dancers who may have been trained for years when they were younger. I try to remind myself that learning ballet is my own personal practice (kind of a yoga mindset) and that some days, my technique will be great and others not as much. It’s all part of the process of learning and the beautiful moments when you realize how far you’ve come are absolutely worth the confusing and sometimes frustrating moments when you’re just starting out. I also noticed a huge difference once I stopped looking at my feet, and tried to “fake it til I made it” by holding up my head and carrying myself proudly like a ballerina.

Do you have a blog?

I do!


