Thursdays are for Thinking out Loud #2


Here we are again–another Thursday! I love this link-up since it just allows me to share whatever is going on in my life and on my mind. So here’s the second edition of “Thursdays are for Thinking out Loud”!

(Check out the link up on Running with Spoons, too!)

Monday  Night Ballet Sucked (But It Also Didn’t)

I ended up heading to work last minute on Monday (with very little make up on and disastrous hair). I headed to Monday night ballet straight after work having slept very little and eaten very little (and wanting very much to be home). Next time, I’ll pack more food and plan a little better.

If it hadn’t been for those factors, it wouldn’t have been so bad, even though it’s the advanced-beginner class. The class was also a huge reminder I need to get back to stretching regularly.

(Also–props to my ballet instructor, Beverly, for teaching while sick!)

I also got to meet Jenna (finally!) from Little Green Running Shoes before class started!

Codeacademy is my Best Friend

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I’ve been trying to get better with my web skills. CodeAcademy has been perfect for that because it’s allowed me to work on it little bits at a time. Right now, I’m going through HTML/CSS as a refresher and then I’ll be working on PHP (which I’m hoping will help my WordPress skills out) and then Javascript.

Sometimes You Need to Recharge

HQ and I are headed “home,” aka my parents house, for the weekend. I’m looking forward to spending time with them and getting some much needed shopping done.

What’s on your mind today?