Do Love and Running Go together? Running with Your Significant Other

Slightly cheesy post alert. Do love and running go together? I’m looking for couples (or individuals in relationships) to interview about running (or not running) with your significant other.

Running Styles

Not us.

It’s my two year anniversary with my boyfriend today (cheesy, I know). I’m working on a post related to an article in Runner’s World a few issues back, Can Love and Running Coexist? Both of us were extremely interested in this article and writing about it because we have different views on when we should run together and the things we do to annoy each other or help each other when we do run together (I’m a slow turtle runner, he’s relatively fast). We run together about 50% of the time.

We’ll both be doing a post on our own blogs about the topic (he’s over at The Active Gamer). I’m looking to put together an additional post with thoughts from other people on running with their significant other as well as their own personal experiences. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail (info at adultballerinaproject dot com) or leave a comment if you’re interested in sharing your experiences. I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks on this topic!