Archives for March 2015

March Goals — Day 1 of #CityFitGirls March Instagram Challenge

February was a brutal month–it’s been freezing cold here in Philadelphia. I pretty much lost my way as far as getting any cardio in at the gym given the weather. However, for the most part I’ve managed to consistently get to two or three ballet classes a week, which I consider to be a pretty huge accomplishment.

Here are my basic goals for March (which is part of City Fit Girls March photo contest on Instagram):


Expanding on them a bit more:

1. Stretch more: I’ve been trying to stretch for a good 20-30 minutes on the days I don’t already have ballet. So far, so good.

2. Become more flexible: One will help get me there. I’d also like to become more flexible person in terms of my personal and work relationships, too.

3. Strength train: I want to work both on my foot and core/leg strength. I want to incorporate more pilates, too.

4. Eat Healthy I started off 2015 eating like crap. I started Whole30 a week ago (more on that soon!) but even when Whole30 is over, I wanted to be eating better.

5. Take more photos: Given that this is a photo challenge this should be easy! I want more photos of me doing ballet, too.

6. Write more: I want to be writing more both for this blog and for other purposes. Even though it’s my day job, I want to do more of it.

7. Have fun: Have fun while doing all of this, and change my goals if it’s not fun.

What are your goals for the month of March?