A Look Back at 2012: My Favorite Posts

cropped-img_0589.jpgWhen I started this blog back in September, I didn’t expect to fall in love with ballet like I have now, attending four classes a week. Although it’s been a struggle (between two ankles injuries and a number of sicknesses), I’m looking forward to a new year where I won’t be so bogged down by class work and can attend even more ballet classes.

Since it’s the end of 2012, I figured I’d share some of my favorite posts from this blog, especially if you haven’t been reading from the start.

Why Should You Take Ballet Classes as An Adult? One of the very first posts I wrote for this blog, listing a lot of reasons why you should do ballet (a lot of them from readers). I’d love for this post to keep growing, so if you’ve got suggestions, add them.

Ballerina Profile: Legal Ballerina Legal Ballerina was the first person to be interviewed for the site, and she’s been an awesome supporter of my blog, and she’s got an awesome blog as well you should definitely check out.

30 Day Stretch Challenge Although an injury got in my way, I still hope to continue to work on my splits using the 30 Day Stretch Challenge. Hoping to come up with more ideas to make in better in 2013.

Boyfriend Does Ballet I dragged my boyfriend to ballet at Koresh, and he helped write a post about it. I’m hoping to drag him to more classes in 2013.

What Was it Like to get Your First Pair of Pointe Shoes I love this post for how helpful everyone was in the comments. If you’re getting pointe shoes soon, read them.

Guest Post: Profile of Susan Attfield from Pretoria, South Africa Susan started her own ballet studio (although she is not instructor herself) in South Africa. She’s amazing.

Guest Post: Advice for Men: Scott offers some great advice for men in the adult beginner ballet world.

Q & A with Julia and Aaron, the creators of Barre: A Real Food Bar. Julia and Aaron took some time out a few weeks ago to answer some questions for ABP.

What are some of your favorite posts YOU’VE written this past year?

