Beginner Ballerina Profile: Jennifer Moon


Meet Jennifer Moon (her friends call her Jenna), pictured here with her role model, William Sterling Walker, III.

She’s been taking ballet classes for four years and has a lot of great advice for her fellow ballerinas, so check out her profile to learn more about her!

When did you start doing ballet as an adult?

My first adult class was 4 years ago at age 36.

 Did you ever take lessons as a kid? 

I took few lessons when I was young and then was a cheerleader in high school.

Why did you decide to take ballet as an adult? 

I had always wanted to be a ballerina.  From the time I was 7 or 8, I was a dancer on the inside.  It was all I dreamed about day after day.  I would dance around my living room and dream of being a ballerina.  When I was going through my divorce I had more time since we had shared custody of our kids.  I needed an escape from the craziness of my life then and taking ballet seemed to fill a huge void for me.

Where do you take classes?

I currently take classes at both Richmond Ballet and at Latin Ballet.  Once a year, I also attend Sun King Dance a Ballet Camp for adults.  It is an amazing experience… You have a week with other adult dancers that are on “vacation”.  We have an EBAS (Elemental Body Alignment Systems) class, Technique, Pointe, Variation and Performance class.  They have professional photographer to take your own “Ballerina” photos, plus there is a choreographed performance at the end of our week.  For that one week it doesn’t matter what your profession is or what is going in your life, we all escape to our one common passion, Ballet!!!

 What is your favorite part about ballet?

It’s total “absorption”; it’s the hour of my day over which I have complete control.  My sole focus is on dance and what my body is doing.  Am I turned out, am I in plié before I jump, are my thumbs tucked in and my shoulders down. Remembering the combination is all you can think of.

What is your least favorite part?

My least favorite part is missing a class and seeing other people that are able to make it to classes more frequently getting better than I am.  Also, sometimes not being able to execute movements across the floor is frustrating to me, especially when I see that others can.

 Who/What is your ballet inspiration?

My number one inspiration as a dancer is William Sterling Walker, III.  The moment I saw him dance it was so inspiring and beautiful. I knew I needed to take a class from him and I did.  I would drive an hour and a half just to take a class from him and I loved it.  Each night I left I felt like I could conquer the world and that I was going to one day actually be a ballerina.  He is the most talented dancer and an amazing person as well!!!

 What motivates you to keep dancing?

My husband motivates me.  He constantly reminds me of the high I feel when I come home from dance.  I always feel like I just had a day at the spa when I leave ballet.  I just love it.  It makes me feel beautiful and graceful even when I am not.

 Do you take any other dance classes? 

I am currently taking a modern class with Annielile Gavino Kollman from Malayaworks and have taken an African Caribbean class with Kevin Jones that I LOVED!!!! So freeing!

 What are your hobbies outside of ballet? 

I volunteer a lot of my time.  I am co-chair of Parish Life at my church (Holy Comforter), teach Children’s Chapel and teach liturgical dance for the “Little Angels.” I am on the Junior Board of the Children’s Museum of Richmond and am Co-Chair of Development for them which heads up their annual fundraiser “Carniball.” I am also on the Board of Boaz & Ruth an organization that helps people reintegrate into society and Volunteer for the Children’s Hospital of Richmond.  I love to volunteer for CARITAS which helps feed the homeless that stay at our church for a week or two every year.  I am also lucky enough to substitute teach at the Latin Ballet of Virginia for their little ones. My husband calls me his walking tithe.

 What advice would you like to give to those who want to start ballet or have just started?  

Try to take more than one class a week, if possible.  The more you take, the better you will get.  It is such an amazing discipline.  Also, try to experience classes at different places periodically.  One teacher might say it in a way that makes it click better.  Also, go online and get the EBAS DVD from  This technique warms your body from the inside out.  It makes your turnout much better if you can do it before a ballet class. You will be AMAZED!!

 Anything else you’d like to add? 

Ballet is so much more than you can ever imagine.  It is discipline, precision, grace, hard work and failing over and over again until you get it right and when you do get it right it will be worth every moment.  Don’t let others who are better frustrate you.  Each of us has different bodies and limitations.  Just be the best ballerina YOU can be.
