Dance Magazine’s 7 Deadly Sins

dancemagazineI’m a little bit ashamed to admit I’ve had to correct quite a few of Dance Magazine’s 7 Deadly Sins throughout my short time as a dancer–most notably rolling my feet in when forcing my turnout (a big no-no, I know) and generally because I have flat feet.

I’ve also given into hyperextension before I really knew better than not to do so. Thanks to Physical Therapy, I’m slowly but surely working to correct both of these bad habits. I’ve also used too much tension, as well, as I get nervous about some things in ballet class like small group work.

Which of these haven’t I dealt with?! I’ve been stuck in a rut, too–although that’s been an easier “habit” (if it even really is a “habit”) to break.

How have you been working on breaking old habits or avoided getting stuck in a dance rut?

