Ballet Class Recap: Headaches and Busy Saturday Classes

I failed in my goal for the week of making it to two classes, and I only ended up making Saturday morning’s class, which I hadn’t been to in a while.

Here’s why: Thursday usually HQ either meets me at the subway or by the studio when he gets out of work so I don’t have to walk home by myself. However, this week he had to work late, so I didn’t go.

We were prepared to go on Friday, but I ended up with a pretty painful headache all afternoon (and into the time ballet class started) and instead decided to go out for a run later in the evening.

HQ and I instead went to ballet class on Saturday morning which was packed with 19 people in a relatively tiny studio. Apparently everyone else failed to make it to the earlier classes in the week (there were only 2-3 people in each of the classes) and instead decided to come to class Saturday.

Barre went fine, other than the fact that my brain got a little bit scrambled on some of the more difficult combinations. Center, however, was kind of a mess. I made it through the first easy combination no problem, but I failed at most of the across the floor combinations, partially because it was somewhat difficult to see what was being demonstrated as well as to mark out the moves–especially during a turn sequence where I ended up doing turns to the wrong direction at first.

Overall it wasn’t a horrible class even though I was really disappointed with how center went. My leg seems to be doing a lot better (thank you, calf raises). But in the future, I’ll be trying a little bit harder to make sure I make it to Thursday and Friday classes.