Yikes! A Stress Fracture

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been having some ankle/lower leg issues that I thought were just really bad shin splints/tendonitis. So when I went to see an ortho specialist, I was just expecting a “stay off it for about two weeks, ice/heat regularly…blah blah blah” and I’d be back to ballet in no time. So turns out, it could be a stress fracture in my upper shin (it’s all swollen and stuff) and I’m in a walking boot and schedule for a bone scan for Wednesday (which takes like 5 hours). I don’t know when I’ll see the inside of a ballet studio next.

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My super cute Valentine’s date outfit.

I’m going to try and keep updating this blog on a semi-regular basis (there’s only so much a girl feels like writing about ballet when she can’t actually do it–and I’m currently looking into floor barre, thanks Janis for the local suggestion!) but as always, I’m looking for guest contributors to get more conversation and other viewpoints on the blog. Check out these great posts:

Different Teachers, Different Perspectives

Advice for Men in Ballet

Profile Of Susan Attfield

If you’re interested, you can shoot me an e-mail at adultballerinaproject@gmail.com
