Archives for October 2013

Sponsored: U by Kotex Review

I have to admit–I’ve always been kind of squeamish about my period. It’s not something I like to talk about publicly. Although that’s improved over the past few years, especially with being a college student–I still get shy when I have to talk about it or when I have to grab tampons to take to the bathroom with me. Luckily, the Kotex samples sent to me, U by Kotex Sleek Tampons, made my latest period a lot easier.

U by Kotex Box

Super cute box for super easy to use tampons!

Here’s some quick facts about the tampons I was sent:

  • U by Kotex Sleek Tampons have a no slip grip for “just right” placement and a smooth tip for easy insertion
  • A full-sized tampon that’s easy to hold on to for “just right” placement
  • Slim size for your comfort
  • Available in Regular, Super and Super Plus absorbencies

As a reporter, recreational dancer, and a runner, I often find myself running–quite literally–between the different parts of my life. I try to always be prepared for all situations–including an unexpected period. This means I’m completely dependent on always storing tampons in every single one of my bags–without taking up too much room. U by Kotex Tampons were perfect for that. I threw some in my bag for work as well as my dance bag and forgot about it until it was that “time of the month.”


Some tampons stored inside my ballet/PT/everything else bag, ready to go!

My period struck on one of my busiest days–Thursday. I have both work and ballet, which means I’m out of the house from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and 6:30pm to 9:00 pm, with just a short break in between. Occasionally, I even fill that time with a quick run too, so I get all of my stuff ready to go the night before.


My sample box came with regular tampons in two different colors: green and purple.

I loved using these–they were super easy to use (the packaging rips open super easily) and offered the perfect amount of protection for super active and busy day. It was also super easy to discreetly pull one of them out of my bag and bring with me to the bathroom no matter where I was.

Learn more about U by Kotex through Facebook and Twitter.

Have you ever used Kotex? How do you prepare for your “time of the month”?

I wrote this review while participating in a content series through Clever Girls Collective on behalf of U by Kotex, and received products to facilitate my post and compensation for my time to participate.

ABP Search Terms: Adult Ballet Frustration

Sometimes, the search terms that manage to lead people this blog can be pretty amusing ( as well as disturbing, ie “my boyfriend has pointe shoes”). However, last week, someone searched for “adult ballet frustration” and it was a phrase that particular rang true to me–and in fact, it could probably be the title of this blog for how much frustration I seem to go through–and for how frustrating ballet seems to be, when you start as an adult.

I started developing extreme shin pain about a year ago (which seems crazy to me) and I’ve spent a large amount of time trying to fix the said problem. I’ve seen multiple specialists, had way too many x-rays, got stuck in a boot, spent weeks upon weeks resting–and still the problem persisted. Adult ballet can be frustrating on its own without this other set of issues to deal with. photo

I saw yet another ortho this past Friday, and I’ll finally be starting physical therapy this week (after my last doctor refused to start me until I spent another 6 weeks resting, after having already spent 6 weeks resting) so that I can hopefully deal with the muscle imbalance I have. I’ll be seeing an office that specifically works with dancers (and is well-known for treating some of the ballet company members and other dance companies in the area).

What “adult ballet frustration do you deal with? How do you get over it?

How To Jazz Up Your Leotard Via Adult Beginner

Happy Wednesday!

I don’t have time for a full post today, but I loved this post by Adult Beginner so much I thought I’d pass it along. She describes how to take a plain leotard (which I have a lot of, because they’re cheaper) and ruche (aka cinch) the front of it. Enjoy!


How to ruche your front

How do you jazz up your ballet outfit?

Nominate a Friend (or Yourself) for ABP Profile of the Week!

I’m relatively certain I’ve contacted everyone who filled out my most recent form about being profiled on a Friday for Adult Ballerina Project. If you didn’t hear from me, check your spam (some people told me it ended up there) or send me another e-mail (info at adultballerinaproject dot com). I’m busy/doing 1000 different things at once, so just let me know if I’ve forgotten you somehow!

If you’d like to nominate someone you know (or nominating yourself is always welcome too!), please fill out the form below with their name, a way to contact them, and their website or blog if they have one. Feel free to nominate fellow beginner ballerinas, instructors, and even professional ballerinas!