Archives for February 2014

Rough Week Behind…Rough Week Ahead

I didn’t make it to ballet class this past week at all, something that I’m not really happy about. I am glad, however, that it wasn’t due to injury.

Thursday morning on my way to work (for which I had left early) I got hit (mostly in my back) by a random woman outside a subway stop. I was fine–just really terrified. While she didn’t really injure me at all, my shoulders were really stiff for awhile afterwards.

So I ended up going home for the day and chilling out. I also ate a lot of donuts and mac and cheese. Comfort food for the win. But I didn’t end up going to ballet that night. I was debating going to the Saturday morning class–I even put my leotard on and everything, I just ended up being really tired and still a little bit sore.

Fortunately, I was able to make it out running a couple of times and I got some strength training done. I’ll also be making up my missed day by working more days this week–so that probably means less blog posts, although I’m trying to get HQ to write a post about what he thought about PA Ballet’s show we saw this weekend. In addition,  I’m going to try to make it to ballet this upcoming Thursday but work may hinder that from happening.

What’s your February been like so far?


Projects for Knitters (or Knitters-to-be): Ballet Shorts and Knee Warmers

Having envied knitters for years, I finally motivated myself to learn by starting with small and useful projects: ballet shorts and knee (not leg) warmers. Despite admiring the look of delicate chiffon ballet skirts over leotards, I have always been a shorts person. I don’t mean long sports shorts, like basketball mesh shorts, or tight booty shorts, though. Over my leotard I wear either yoga shorts or my own hand-knit ballet shorts. My original inspiration was this lovely pair but I decided to try the pretty pointelle pattern at the leg hem another time.

After Googling variations on search terms like “knit ballet shorts” and “ballet shorts knitting pattern,” I found these basic “Studio Shorts”  — a pattern accompanied by photo of a ballerina on pointe! I downloaded the pattern, focused on the “dance” version (instead of the looser “lounge” version), collected a few needed items (same-size circular needles of 2 different lengths and yarn) and went to work. You can adjust the pattern to make the legs, ribbing and waistband as long or short as you wish. In ballet class, I found myself studying other students’ knitted shorts to see how long their legs’ ribbing was … only to quickly explain what I was doing so they would not think I was just staring at their behinds.


 Using medium weight acrylic yarn, I knitted these black shorts but realized that the shorts ended up a little thick and heavy. For my second pair, I am trying softer baby yarn that hopefully will yield lighter shorts. In fact, I am using heather gray just like the shorts knitted by Nicola Lynde of the most recent Beginner Ballerina Profile  Her DIY shorts pattern looks like a great item to try.

During this cold winter, I decided to make knee warmers – not full-length leg warmers. A ballet classmate gave me this idea when she wore a pair of children’s knee warmers that were short and just fit over her knee (extending a little above and below the knee).  I liked this pattern for its cute checkered texture to allow for the knee to bend easily. Using light pink baby yarn, I quickly fashioned a pair of knee warmers for class. The only drawback I found is that the checkered area in front of the knee creates excess wrinkling when I stand straight – looking a little like small kneepads.


Nonetheless, they do keep my knees cozy during barre so by the time I move to the center, my knees are warmed up enough for me to take the warmers off. The first time I wore them in class, my teacher noticed them during plies at the barre and commented, “Helen, I see you have new knee warmers.” I proudly nodded and was about to tell her I knitted them myself when she said, “If you have knee issues, don’t grande plie in first. Keep it in demi.” Well, she may not have been admiring them, but at least she did not say they looked like football kneepads … and as any adult ballerina should appreciate, she was looking out for my safety.

Facebook Group, Google+ Community and More

Just a quick update today:

Votes for a Facebook Group won by over 50%, so I’ve created that over here: The group is closed just to keep spammers out of it. Just hit request to join and I’ll approve you as soon as  I can.

Awhile ago I created a Google+ Community, which is located here:

Feel free to add me personally on either platform (Kristen Gillette).

We’ve had Tweet Chats in the past, and I’m sure we’ll host another. Stay tuned for more info!


Adult Ballerina Reality Show to Air in Great Britain

d258f951-b7be-47f6-8d94-ed24d707200e_625x352Big Ballet, Great Britain’s Channel 4’s new reality TV show, will follow a troupe of plus-size amateur dancers as they attempt to put together a 25-minute version of Swan Lake under the supervision of Wayne Sleep (the shortest dancer ever to make his debut on the Royal Ballet stage) and  prima ballerina Monica Loughman.

Read the Guardian’s article about the show here. It includes interviews from several of the participants. 18 dancers were chosen from over 200 auditions for the show.

What do you think–will Big Ballet open more doors for more adult ballerinas?

(thanks to Emma for sending me this my way!)

Forum? Facebook Group? More Twitter Chats? You Decide!

I’ve toyed around with the idea of having a forum on Adult Ballerina Project for a while now (we even had a baby one for a little while)–but I’m not sure how successful it would be. So I’m debating starting up a Facebook Group for all the ballet dancers out there to chat, share their stories and their blog posts–but I wanted to check to see who would be interested.

So let me know by voting in this poll (and leaving some notes in the comments!) about what you’d like to see most, whether it’d be a Facebook group, a Google+ Community (which does already exist), more Twitter chats (we’ve had a few) or something entirely different!