Top 2015 Adult Ballerina Projects Posts

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Top 2015 Adult Ballerina Projects Posts

Dec 29, 2015 - - 921
My Favorite (Ballet) Things with Johanna of Pointe Til You Drop - Adult Ballerina Project

If you're in the adult ballet community online, you've no doubt heard of the blog Pointe Til You Drop written by Johanna Aurava of Finland. We're delighted she was able to talk to ABP about some of her favorite ballet things... 6 Favorite Ballet Dancers?

Dec 29, 2015 - - 894
3 Essential Stretches to Improve Your Turnout - Adult Ballerina Project

Whether you're trying to improve your flexibility, warm up for class, or just relieve some muscle soreness, stretching can be extremely beneficial. For this tutorial, we've picked our favorite basic hip-opening stretches inspired by our favorite yoga poses and in-class exercises. Each of these poses can be modified to be either more or less intense, ...

Dec 29, 2015 - - 1041
Back to the Basics: Five Tips for Polished Dancing - Adult Ballerina Project

Ballet is an intricate, complicated style of dance. Whether training begins at a young age or later in life, the technique is challenging and requires not only great strength of the body, but of the mind, as well. Sometimes, successfully memorizing combinations and releasing the distracting thoughts of the day is a triumph in itself.

Dec 29, 2015 - - 767
To Return or Not? - Adult Ballerina Project

Many adult ballet dancers take a break for various reasons like work, family and school obligations, health issues and financial constraints. Returning to ballet after any hiatus is often difficult. Even harder for me was deciding whether or not to return. Until 10 months ago and despite having Morton's Neuroma, I attended 2-3 ballet classes ...

Dec 29, 2015 - - 876
Finding the Best Fit for Your Ballet Soft Shoes - Adult Ballerina Project

Fitting the right ballet shoe is somewhat like finding a brassière or the right shade of makeup: it's almost impossible to buy the right one unless you've tried plenty of them on. Even if you have a pair of shoes that you've worn before and that seem to work well, it's always a good idea ...

Dec 29, 2015 - - 985
Check out these core workouts to help improve your stability + more for ballet! - Adult Ballerina Project

A Roundup of Core Workouts To Improve Your Stability for Ballet.

Dec 29, 2015 - - 930
The Off Day Ballet Dictionary - Adult Ballerina Project

Messy classes are unavoidable, despite our best efforts. So, perhaps we should make lemonade and think of off days as a unique subset of ballet with its own rules and definitions. (Apologies in advance to ballet teachers worldwide) Arabesque à la Seconde: The proper name for "a la sebesque".

Dec 29, 2015 - - 870
5 Easy Remedies for Your Post-Class Soreness - Adult Ballerina Project

For a ballerina, there's no bigger pill to swallow than starting a warmup with all-over muscle soreness. You worked your buns off the day before, and today, you're feeling the consequence. Your legs each weigh a ton, your arms are like cooked noodles and your abs are so sore that even a chuckle sends you into the ...

How I Spent My Summer…

It’s been a really long while since I’ve posted a personal post — a really long time. I spent most of my time this summer dancing — including a performance at the end of July that went well and taking several classes a week since I had only been working two, part-time writing jobs (hence the limited amount of writing here — I found myself writing dozens of blog posts a week).

Now that summer is pretty much over (first day of fall is this Wednesday) — I’m planning on getting back into blogging, back into running profiles and working on getting the studio guide more complete!

I also spend the latter half of August (and the beginning of September) getting back into running. It made me forget how much I missed it and how useful all that cardio can be when it comes to long combinations in ballet). I might be starting a running blog to document the rest of my exercising goals as well…but I’ll share more about that later. Back to ballet.

How did you spend your summer? Dancing? Traveling? Share with me in the comments!

Upcoming 1,000 Facebook Like Giveaway

UPDATED: Thanks everyone who helped me get to 1,000 likes! I’ll try to get the giveaway up soon! 

I’m approaching 1,000 likes on Facebook (yay!) and I’m planning on doing a ballet-themed giveaway once I reach 1,000. I’ve already partnered with a few small-business ballet brands to do a giveaway (plus I’ll throw in some stickers, too!), but if you have a ballet-related brand you’d like to throw in the mix, send me an email at

The giveaway will go up slightly after I hit 1,000 likes (when I get a chance to put it together), so if you haven’t liked us yet, head over to Facebook and like our page! The giveaway will be open to everyone, too!

Some Updates–website update, the Nutcracker + Pointe!

So I’ve finally gotten around to doing some updates on the blog, mostly because I’ve been sick the past few days and haven’t made it to a ballet class or been able to go running. So I’ve done some messing around with a redesign to make stuff more readable and easier to find. Getting the studio stuff all in a line again is going to take a little bit longer…but we’re working on it.

On to ballet updates:

Although I’m feeling like crap for not having made it to a class since before Thanksgiving, things are going well. I’m so happy I get to learn choreography to Nutcracker music since I missed all of that last year thanks to my injury. Recently, I’ve also started doing some pre-pointe work again. I wish I had an awesome picture to share here, but I don’t. I’ll have to take one before the holidays start-up again.

HQ and I have also recently joined a gym, so hopefully I’ll get to improve my cardio more (since it really sucks right now).

Share your lovely ballet updates with me!

(PS sending out a round of emails this morning to those who submitted to be featured on the site!)

Life Updates + Help me out by Guest Blogging or By Filling out a Profile

In case you missed it last week in my kind of quick update: my job recently hired me as full-time reporter which is awesome, but unfortunately it’ll mean a few cutbacks on ABP–mostly in the form of me posting less.

I’ll admit, I considered putting the project on hold for a little bit while I got everything sorted out. But I couldn’t do it. Everyone I’ve met through this project has been amazing, and that was extremely evident to me in the response to Bethany Keat’s post The Nouns and Adjectives of Ballet. If you haven’t read it yet, make sure you go do so ASAP–it’s a fantastic post. I have some other fantastic stuff in the works as well that I don’t want to give up, either.

Posting will probably go down to about 2-3 posts a week for a little while (instead of the usual 4-5). However, I’m hoping to eventually get the number back up to around 4-5 posts a week. If you’d like to help out–I’m always looking for more guest bloggers and people to feature in our weekly ballerina post. You can fill out a form to participate as either here!