Hot Chocolate 5k/15k Giveaway & Promo Code


Where will you run for chocolate?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the Philadelphia Hot Chocolate 5k/15k and all the goodies and perks that come a long with it. Now here’s your chance to win your very own entry into the race!

Here’s a little bit more about the race, incase you haven’t heard about it:

The Hot Chocolate 15/5k, coined as America’s Sweetest Race, is brought to you by RAM Racing.  Established in 2008, the inaugural Hot Chocolate 15/5k ran through the streets of Chicago, Illinois. Since its inception, over 200,000 participants have ran for chocolate, making it the fastest growing race series in the nation!

Each Hot Chocolate 15/5k race features both a 15k (9.3miles) and 5k (3.1miles) distance and all runners are encouraged to join the fun! Participants receive an award winning goodie bag, which they collect at the expo along with their race packet.

Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is the official charity partner of the Hot Chocolate 15/5k series. The RMHC program provides a “home-away-from-home” for families and children facing a serious medical crisis so they can stay close by their hospital at little or no cost. For more information on our charity partner visit our city specific charity pages.

Even if you don’t win my giveaway, register here with promo code “BallerinaMug” for an additional travel mug in your swag bag!

Enter below for your chance to win an entry into one of their races (See a complete list here) Giveaway will be open until February 10th.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Avoiding Workout Slumps & Working Out at Home

Running and ballet prety much occupies all of the time I dedicate to working out. But given my apparently extreme tendency to become injured, I’ve decided I needed to step up my cross-training and strength training game.

For the time being, I’ve decided to forgo a gym membership since it seems like an unnecessary expense. Although, I have to admit, it’s more getting the motivation to take the subway to get to the gym that’s making me push it off for now.

Instead, I’ve turned to at home workouts, both of my own making and some via Pinterest. My current go-to right now is this “Anywhere Workout” via Fitsugar:

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Image via

Mostly because it varies the workout throughout the week and it gives me something strict to follow, and seems like a pretty good way to start getting fit again (trust me, after what is pretty much months off, I feel so very out of shape).

What’s your go-to at home workout?

Weekend Wrap-Up: Trip Home Edition


Every once in a while, it just feels good to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and head home to the suburbs for the weekend. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that a lot more (and cheaper) shopping options once you leave the city–especially if you don’t have a car in the city. I even kept joking that I should do all the shopping I possibly could because there was a 2% difference in sales tax at home! I was glad to get in some shopping at Target (we went twice–it’s probably my favorite store) and some much-needed cheaper grocery shopping done (things can get expensive in Philly).

I didn’t end up picking up much besides groceries over the weekend, despite trying to find some new makeup. I did however pick up another pullover from Target since I love my current one for both running and ballet.

It was a last-minute decision to head home for the weekend–but I’m glad I decided to go. It was good to be home for a little while and away from my computer for most of the weekend (even if I didn’t get to work on my blog and its new design).

That’s it for now–but I’ll have plenty more reads for the rest of the week!

What did you do this weekend?

When the Universe Sends You a Sign, Accept It

I’ve been anxious to get back to dance and to running. In preparation for getting back to dance, my Christmas list was filled with all sorts of winter dancing goodies: new tights, new sweaters, etc. Now they’re just sitting in my drawers, waiting to be worn. I almost wore the sweater to lounge around in one day after Christmas, but then I decided to wait until I got the chance to wear it at ballet.

Last week, I bought myself some new stability running shoes so that when I eventually return to running (in a few weeks) I would have new shoes that were better than my old ones to run in.

I was super excited when they were supposed to arrive, but instead, I got another surprise when the package arrived. A pair of the same shoes I currently own, in the wrong size:

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I’m taking it as a sign that I need to be patient–I’ll get to dance and run when it’s the right time to again.

Would You Rather: Running Edition


Sure, I might not be doing any actual running yet (nor have I for about the past 10 weeks)–but this seemed like a cute link up to participate in to help me get back to being excited about running! Cori’s original link-up is here.

#1. Would you rather run in a thunderstorm or a snowstorm? 

Definitely a snowstorm. Snow is so pretty. Plus running in a thunderstorm seems…dangerous.

#2. Would you rather breathe through your nose or breathe through your mouth?

Thanks to being so allergy prone, I’m a total mouth breather. Trying to get better with my breathing in general, though.

#3. Would you rather do 100 squats or 100 crunches? [Now take a break and go do them. ;)]

100 squats definitely. Trying to work more on core strength though, so maybe I should pick the 100 crunches.

#4. Would you rather have a baked good for dessert or an extra serving of your favorite entree?

I’m a total sucker for baked goods. I’m currently working on perfecting my chocolate souffles. It’s a work in progress.

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#5. Would you rather run on a treadmill for an hour or run around the same street block for an hour?

Same street block. There’s nothing I hate more than dreadmills. Plus, I slam down on them more with my feet, making them pretty bad for my legs.

#6. Would you rather have a headache during a run or a side stitch?

A side stitch. I’ve been dealing with pretty bad headaches as of lately, and I cannot manage to workout with one of them, so side stitch it is.

#7. Would you rather have a rest day on a work day or a day off?

Tough decision. Sometimes a workout is just what I need to clear my head after a workday, but sometimes it’s just nice to relax. So I’d say rest day on a workday.

#8. Would you rather be a race director or a race volunteer?

I think I’d want to volunteer first to learn some of the ropes before I’d become a volunteer.

#9. Would you rather spend your money on running gadgets [HRM, GPS watch, Headphones] or running shoes?

Running gadgets and clothing, definitely.

#10. Would you rather run in a relay or do the run portion of a distance triathlon?

I’d rather do a relay with multiple runs than run the run portion of a triathlon.

Would you participate in a “Would you rather” post about ballet?