Archives for September 2013

Blogtember: The Ways Blogging and Social Media Changed Me

Welcome to the first of my Blogtember link-up posts! There’s a lot more of them to come, too!

Social media has always been a big part of my life. I was one of the first people I knew to get Facebook as well as one of the first people of my friends on Twitter (although, I never had a Myspace). I started blogging my freshman year of college and loved it, especially when I connected to people who had the same quirky TV tastes I did.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but this blog was started as part of a class called “The Entrepreneurial Journalist” by the same professor who was the reason I started my old TV blog. While before the class I was running a personal blog that did feature a lot of ballet, it wasn’t the primary sole purpose. I needed a solidified topic for this class for an online magazine or blog, and I chose ballet cause it seemed like a semi-good idea, even though my professor wasn’t sure. But I’m glad I chose it, and I’m glad I’m still doing it, and I can’t wait to do more with it.

When it comes down to it, social media and blogging have changed me because they’ve connected me to people who are interested in the same things I am. I’ve found so many people who do ballet as adults and your support has been amazing. I don’t think I would’ve kept doing ballet if it wasn’t for the wonderful community. In addition, the running community has been amazing as well, and is extremely supportive. Social media and blogging keep me going with running and ballet, which are now an integral part of my life. I don’t think they’d be that way if it wasn’t for an awesome online community.

How has blogging/social media changed you?

Million Mile Run for Alex’s Lemonade Stand


Being a broke college student  graduate and all, I can’t really afford to give a lot of money to charity (although I’m still running a few races here and there that benefit things, like the Monster Milers run at the end of the month). But when I saw that a few people in the Philadelphia area were doing Alex’s Lemonade Stand Million Mile Run, I decided to reach out on Twitter to see if there was a team I could join that I could add my miles to help Alex’s Lemonade reach their goal. And I found the Proclaimers!

I’m hoping to log more miles in the upcoming weeks than I have so far. I’ve had a bit of a severe cold thing going on, so running and ballet haven’t been fun, but hopefully I’ll be out there running soon.

So if you want to help support Alex’s Lemonade Stand, you can head over to our team page to donate (I’ll give you a shoutout on social media and the blog if you do!). Or if you’re broke like me, you can support and cheer me on via the blog and social media, too, which is always appreciated as I try to get back on track with my running while supporting a good cause.

Splits and Increasing Flexibility

There’s been a lot of talk about splits and flexibility in general on this blog, including a post on is there a such thing as too much flexibility as well as a stretching series with its first post on increasing back flexibility (and hopefully we’ll have more posts in this series soon by Caysie!).

Ballet stretch

Personally, I’ve kind of put stretching specifically for splits on the backburner, and I’ve recently adapted more of an injury prevention and working towards generally increasing my flexibility instead of stressing my splits, because things like my back tend to get ignored when I’m focused on splits. So I’ll be working on more general stretching for awhile until I get my way back to the splits.

But for when I do, I’m researching different methods to stretching. There’s a lot of different tips out there (many of which contradict others) such as stretch everyday, stretch every other day, stretch in short bursts throughout the day, etc. I even found this fairly lengthy split stretching guide–that I’m thinking about trying out.There’s just so much information out there that kind of makes my head spin.

What have you found works best for you to increase your flexibility?


“Why I Love Dance” Link-Up

Recently, one of my favorite things about the blogging community has been the idea of Link-ups, where bloggers can all share a post they’ve written on a single topic in one place and read the blogs of others. I wrote one called “Weekly Wishes,” and I’ve got several more coming up in the month of September to help keep me motivated to keep blogging. So I’m hosting a very simple one to get the ball rolling called “Why I Love Dance.” At the bottom of this post you’ll find instructions on how to add your post. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a post you write specifically for this link-up–feel free to share anything that generally relates to why you love dance.

If you don’t have a blog and would like to write a post, you can contact me about getting yours posted here. I would love to have it!


Why I love dance

As a kid, I did practically every sport imaginable. I did dance, gymnastics, t-ball, soccer, swimming, cheerleading, and more I’m sure I’m forgetting (however I was NOT a runner as a kid–I kind of can’t believe that I am now). The one I probably the missed the most, however, was dance.

I took ballet (as well as other dance classes) for two years in elementary school before my mom switched up what dance studio I was attending–and soon after that I quit and moved on to take gymnastics classes. Growing up, I was always jealous of those who had stuck with it and were dancers and thinking to myself that I couldn’t possibly go back to it–I was always too old (sidenote: this post on What Sends Grownups to the Barre is highly accurate). It wasn’t until my junior year of college that I actually decided I could go back and it took a lot to get me there.

Surprisingly, my first dance class as an “adult” wasn’t ballet, in fact, it was a hip-hop class with a friend. We went to a tiny studio a fair distance away. While I enjoyed it and we swore we’d go back, it was truthfully too much of a commute for a Sunday morning, which was primarily my homework day. But still, I wanted to dance, and was forever jealous of my boyfriend’s participation in dance performances at Temple.

My next class was a hip-hop fitness class that just wasn’t for me (sorry, but shaking my butt for 45 minutes just isn’t my thing). I think the primary reason I had chosen hip-hop was because it seemed easier and that more beginners were doing it, but it wasn’t working out for me.

Eventually, somehow, I ended up walking into a dance supply store and ended up purchasing a pair of ballet slippers after I found an absolute beginners class online. Then I knew I HAD to go to ballet, despite being terrified.

But, I fell in love.

Dance primarily serves an escape for me, I think. It’s a hobby, but sometimes it’s so much more. It’s an escape–the times I’m struggling or stressed out the most are the times I feel like I need to get into a ballet studio even more. Although every week I go in terrified I’m going to mess something up or make a fool out of myself I get to come out stronger every week having learned something more.

Why have you fallen in love with dance?

Add Your Post

The rules are simple (and pretty flexible):

1. Your blog post must relate to the topic in some way. Like I said, it’s pretty much open as long as some how the post communicates in some way why dance is important to you.

2. Link back to this post if you want. Here’s an easy widget you can use if you’d like:

Adult Ballerina Project

3. Comment on the blog link that was posted before yours to share the love!

Entries will be open until the end of September, so keep sharing!

Beginner Ballerina Profile: Lisa of RainStorm

This week’s profile is of Lisa, who runs a blog called RainStorm. Enjoy this profile of this recent ballerina who started around the same exact time I did!


Lisa is in the black leotard.

When did you start doing ballet as an adult?

April 2012

Did you ever take lessons as a kid?

Yup – a bit later than others. I took it up aged 9 or 10 I think. I had a great ballet teacher and worked really hard, even though it didn’t come naturally to me (I am tall and not at all flexible). I kept going to lessons until I left for university aged 18. I would have carried on dancing, but it wasn’t on offer so I took up karate instead! (The two are surprisingly similar.)

Why did you decide to take ballet as an adult?

I missed it! Every now and then I would say how much I missed it and my partner just said, “Well, why don’t you go to a class then?” I eventually ran out of excuses and followed his advice!

Where do you take classes?

I was taking classes in Reading (at TPAI) with Michelle, who got me back up to speed and is generally pretty fabulous.  But when I have time I supplement my training with classes in London, at both DanceWorks and DanceAttic. I’ve just moved house so I’m going to have to find the right classes for me.

What is your favorite part about ballet?

I think that when the music starts, my brain switches into an alternative reality which is calm and focused. It is the perfect de-stresser for an easily stressed girl! Also, I love the sense of achievement when you finally master something tricky.

What is your least favorite part?

Jumping! It’s so tiring – especially when the teacher says “one more time” – you know she’s lying but you still put all your energy in and then have to do it three more times!

Who/What is your ballet inspiration? 

All the other adult dancers that I have met along the way. Some are so dedicated. I have recently started going to watch ballet too.

What motivates you to keep dancing?

I just want to. It’s so nice to have a form of exercise that I really want to do.

Do you take any other dance classes?

No, although I have been involved in dance in other ways, such as working with children.

What are your hobbies outside of ballet? 

Now there’s a question 🙂 I’m a fireworks engineer; I love sailing and surfing; I roller skate and regularly take part in organised skates around London; I recently tried (and loved) stand up paddle boarding; on quiet days I enjoy reading, crocheting and swimming.

What advice would you like to give to those who want to start ballet or have just started? 

Seek out a beginners lesson – there are lots of great adult classes around so it is worth choosing one that is pitched at the right level.

At the beginning of each lesson, choose one thing to focus on (e.g. turnout/posture/arm shape) – I find that this helps me to improve quicker.

And for girls, I really would recommend wearing a leotard! It’s scary to start with but I find it much more supportive and easier to check my posture. You can wear a t-shirt or vest over the top, but it really is worth it.

Anything else you’d like to add? 

I wish I had more time for it. Currently I barely make one class a week. Once I’m moved and settled I really hope to make at least two classes each week.


I’m in the black leotard. I don’t have any decent ones of just me doing ballet – these were taken by my lovely man during a “ballet tweep-up” organised by the lovely Becca of @becca_tweet.