Archives for September 2013

Progress on the Studio Website!

Things are coming along on ABP’s Studio Guide website slowly, but surely. I’m very excited to have this be a database for all of those who are looking for a studio but aren’t sure where to find them or to find a new fit.

UntitledIt’s pretty straightforward with basic information about the studios, where it’s located, classes offered, a brief description, and then any user submitted reviews. (Don’t worry if you submitted a studio and don’t see it yet–I’m getting to it, I promise!). All reviews that were once up on ABP will be moved from here onto the correct studio listing (contact me if for whatever reason you don’t want yours moved). Pictures will be added eventually as well as I reach out to the studios for permission.

Reviews play a huge role in this process and I need my readers help to get those up and rolling. Submit your review via this form or to If you just want to submit a studio, use this form (don’t worry about submitting a studio to the second form if you’ve written a review, I’ll automatically create the page when I get to your review).

Thank you guys, again, for all of your support!

Wordless Wednesday: Ballerina Turtle



*Sponsored* LockLaces Review and Giveaway

I was given two pairs of LockLaces in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own, not LockLaces. I was not otherwise compensated for this review.


Ever wanted to learn an embarrassing fact about me? It took me forever to learn how to tie my own shoes, mostly because I’m left-handed and had a tough time learning from other people. It was therefore super frustrating when they come untied.

Nowadays, it’s still super frustrating when my shoelaces come untied while running or even when walking somewhere in the city (where it’s super annoying to have to stop in the middle of a crowd to tie your shoes). Mostly, when my shoes (or my running partners shoes) come untied, it greatly messes up the flow of my running.

LockLaces helped immensely with that problem. While it seemed a little weird to me at first to be using them, I never have a problem with them coming untied. Although I was at first puzzled about how to put them together, LockLaces has some great videos up about how to lace your shoes up and what to do if you need to unlace them without destroying the ties. They’ve become one of my new favorite running accessories!


Pink socks and pink shoes are a winning combination!

Pink socks and pink shoes are a winning combination!

You have a chance to win a pair, too, thanks to LockLaces. Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. You have until Friday, September 20th at 11:59 pm EST to enter! Open to US entries only (International entries accepted if willing to pay shipping within 48 hours of being notified).

You have until Friday, September 20th at 11:59 pm EST to enter! Open to US entries only (International entries accepted if willing to pay shipping within 48 hours of being notified).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What types of things interrupt your running flow?

I was given two pairs of LockLaces in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own, not LockLaces. I was not otherwise compensated for this review.


Stretching Series: Knees and Legs

WOW! So it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here. I want to start this stretching series post by apologizing for my long absence. I’ve been really sick over the past two months and it’s actually stopped me entirely from going to ballet and stretching. As you can imagine, that’s been pretty frustrating… but I plan on touching on that in another post so stay tuned for that. Unfortunately I’m still only able to do very light stretching, and when it do it it’s far from pretty so I decided that I’d continue this post in the series by using found resources and photos. Hopefully within a few weeks I’ll be able to get back into the game and get some original photos and stretches for you guys!

Today I wanted to cover leg stretches, with some emphasis on knees since I know someone requested it! 🙂 The following are some of my favorite leg stretches, some of which not only improve flexibility but strength as well. I’m all for a double whammy!

1. Triangle pose: Ok so when I first stumbled across this yoga pose I looked at it and said “PIECE OF CAKE”. Then I tried it… haha. It’s not easy, folks! It requires hamstring and groin flexibility as well as core strength to maintain balance.

  • Stand with your legs about 3.5 to 4 feet apart.
  • Turn out your right foot, and leave your left foot turned in.
  • Lift your arms straight out to your sides.
  • Tilt your upper body over your right leg, stretching your arms and legs
  • Twist at the waist, lowering your right hand to your right ankle.
  • Repeat on the other side. For an added knee stretch, bend the knee of the leg that is turned out.

2. Knee Stretch: This one is pretty straight forward. I find that it helps stretch not only my legs and knees but also my lower back. I find this one super relaxing and love doing it before bed! Just lie on your back and bring each knee up to your chest one at a time, hold for about 30 seconds (longer if you’d like), and then lower your leg back to the ground. Easy peasy, but very helpful for tight knees.

3. Forward lunge/Warrior Pose: This stretch and yoga move is helpful for stretching the knee, hamstring, and groin all depending on how deep you can take it.

  • Start with your legs about 2-4 feet about depending on how far you would like to/can stretch. Keep one foot turned in, the other turned out.
  • Rotate toward the turned out foot and bend that knee.
  • Stretch as far as you can without discomfort.
  • Repeat on the other side! (don’t forget this!)

4. Hamstring Stretch: I love this one. I do this using Therabands but it can easily be done using a strap, rolled towel, bungee cord, etc. Just lie on your back and wrap whatever youre using under or around your foot. Then, trying to keep your leg straight, pull your leg up with your arms. When you feel that you’re about to need to bend your knee, stop and hold. Over time you’ll be able to go farther but don’t push yourself too hard or you could end up in a world of pain!

5. Hurdle Stretch: This is an oldie but goodie. Sit with your legs in a V position, as far as you can open them. Bend one leg in and lean toward your straight leg. You can do this facing straight toward the leg or to the side. Make sure you don’t bounce!

Hopefully these leg stretches (with knee emphasis) can help some of you! Let me know what kind of stretches you’d like to see in the future. I apologize for the lack of new pictures, I hope that when the next post comes along I will be able to actually participate!


Beginner Ballerina Profile: Jackie of A Dancer’s Fairytale

This week’s profile is on Jackie of A Dancer’s Fairytale, make sure you check her blog out! She started ballet in June after this year because the national dance company she works for inspired her!


When did you start doing ballet as an adult?

I started on June 15 this year!

Did you ever take lessons as a kid?

Yes I started at 3 years old and did dance until I was 15 years old. Dance was everything to me when I was a kid.

Why did you decide to take ballet as an adult?

I work at a national ballet company and I was inspired by seeing the ballerinas and dancers every day. I was kind of jealous so I started again. I also wanted to start again because I put on a lot of weight and I wanted to lose it and feel good about myself again.

Where do you take classes?

I take class at CCP Dance School which is the dance school of Ballet Philippines. So besides the company they have a connecting dance school.

What is your favorite part about ballet?

The performance. Isn’t that what dancers live for anyway? For me it is the costumes and the thrill of being on stage and dancing. I have to be on stage a lot for my major but dancing on stage is so much different for me. I just love the preparation and the hard work you put into your dancing to get to that final performance.

What is your least favorite part?

The least favorite part for me is getting frustrated when I can’t do a step or I work so hard on a step and still can’t do it. That for me is the worst. I feel like sometimes I expect too much and when I have a hard time doing something I will get so mad at ballet but I guess that is part of the dedication and I think I am perfectionist which makes it even more difficult for me. Also a silly thing is when I cannot pronounce the step. I am studying French so I am trying to perfect it so I can say the steps better.

Who/What is your ballet inspiration?

Who inspires me would have to be my dad. Since I started again he has been putting up with my ballet talk ever since I started working for the company and he helped me decided to start back up again. Sometimes he says I have “ballet brain” and encourages me and not let me worry and lets me stay positive. Another thing that is an inspiration to me is myself. I try and motivate myself to do ballet because it is such a passion of mine. Seeing professional dancers every day also adds to that but if I believe I can they nothing can stop me.

What motivates you to keep dancing?

Besides the company dancers, I would say the break I had. I regretted taking 5 years off which you would think is not really a long time but to me it was like forever. I pretty much try to motivate myself so I could do what I always dreamed of doing which is becoming a dance teacher.

Do you take any other dance classes?

Not right now because I am in the last year of college but after I graduate I plan on starting and teaching tap at the dance school I take classes at.

What are your hobbies outside of ballet?

I write. I love writing novels and making stories in my head. I am taking up a communication course as my major so I get to write often. Another hobby I love to do is read I guess but that’s kind of similar to writing because you need to read if you want to get inspiration for writing. Other than dancing I don’t have much of a hobby.

What advice would you like to give to those who want to start ballet or have just started?

My advice would be to start ballet if it is your dream. Don’t be scared because someone will judge you. I was afraid to start again but I did it and I love being back. If you think you want to start don’t let anything hold you back because the regret will eat you up. Just have fun and everything will follow because in the end it is always worth it!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you for letting me do this interview. I really enjoyed doing it and answering it. I wish everyone luck in their adventures of dancing!