Do you take classes over the holidays?

English: A ballet dancer doing barre work.

.(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One of the things we discussed on Tweetchat on Saturday was how we weren’t sure what we were going to do over the holidays–most of us don’t go to studios that offer classes over the holidays. The studios I attend do (with the exception of Christmas Eve and Day and New Year’s Eve and Day), however, I will be away at families’ houses for the majority of the holidays since I have a winter break at college. I plan on doing my ballet workout DVD and well as my modern dance DVD, in addition to lots of stretching and theraband exercises.

Do your studios offer classes over the holidays?

New Ballet Resources Page

English: A performance of The Nutcracker balle...

English: A performance of The Nutcracker ballet, 1981 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Over the holidays, I’m going to be putting together a page with all the great posts my fellow ballet bloggers have already written about. I’ve already got several in mind, but I wanted to give everyone a chance to submit the posts they have written or posts they’ve read by others that they think are great. I think this will be a really useful way for beginners to find all sorts of information about ballet quickly and easily.


So you can either leave the post in a comment, fill out the form below, or shoot me an e-mail at


Also, don’t forget to enter the giveaway here, and remember, for each of your entries to count, you must post a separate comment for each! (And you can enter, say, for liking the page, if you had already previously liked it before the contest began).



#AdultBallerinas TweetChat November 9th, 6pm EST

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Hey Ballerinas,

Don’t forget that we’re holding a TweetChat tomorrow at 6:00 PM EST. It’ll probably go for at least an hour, so if you can’t join us right away, feel free to jump in whenever you can.

We’ll be using the hashtag #adultballerinas to keep track of each other and reply to each other. Using is an awesome way to easily follow just our conversation and not lose track of whose saying what to who in our conversation.

My twitter is @kristengillette and if you’re looking to get other adult ballerinas to follow you before we get to chatting, comment below with your Twitter handle and I’ll tweet out the names of everyone when the TweetChat starts!

Look forward to talking to all of you!

Barre: A real food bar review and giveaway

UPDATE: I had originally posted as this ending December 13th at 11:59 pm. Since I said in other posts it went until Friday, feel free to enter until December 14th at 11:59 PM EST.

I’m so excited to offer my first giveaway on Adult Ballerina Project. When I first contacted Julia to set up the interview she offered to send me some barres, but I ordered some of my own as well. I’ll be giving away one of each flavor to one lucky follower picked at random.

My favorite flavor, pirouette cinnamon pecan. From

My favorite flavor, pirouette cinnamon pecan. From

You can check out the interview with Julia and Aaron here.

If you’re like me, you’re adult ballet classes fall around 6 or 7 pm. I often struggle with whether I should eat before I go to class (and risk feeling bloated and sick during class) or not eat and end up starving midway through class and be checking the clock every five minutes hoping class will be over soon so I can eat.

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Facebook and our next TweetChat!

Update: The (hopefully) correct link for Facebook has now been added.

If you haven’t already, make sure you like Adult Ballerina Project on Facebook and take our poll about the next TweetChat (or let me know if Sunday, December 9th, at 6pm EST works for you in the comments if you don’t have Facebook).