ABP is Back Up and Running!

After working on the site for a few hours…Adult Ballerina Project is just about ready to go!

What the site first looked like when I uploaded my new design!

What the site first looked like when I uploaded my new design–a mess!

A few notable changes that I’m testing out:

Social Media Icons: You can now find out all of our social media accounts at the top of page to stay in touch with ABP across multiple channels.

New Mobile Theme: The web design will be visible on mobile devices, too.

Disqus Comments: Allows users to use their social media accounts to comment rather than fill out a form each time.

And lastly (although it’s not finished yet): the studios are moving back to the main site. I’m still working on making this all happen, but I’ll update when they’re up. You’ll be able to find links to them in the sidebar, too.

#AdultBallerinas Can Dance!


One of only three photos I’ve ever shared of me dancing.

We put in hours upon hours of dance a week and many of us take 3, 4 or 5 classes a week–yet we rarely share photos or videos of us actually doing it–myself included. That’s part of the reason I request photos of dancers when I interview them, so that readers can put a face to the dancer.

Kudos to those who already share photos AND videos of yourselves dancing, I deeply admire you. But I want to see more. We can encourage others to dance by sharing more and more photos and videos of us dancing, and I’d love to share them all on Adult Ballerina Project to show just how strong the adult ballerina community is!

Here’s how:

Starting Friday, November 29th (the day after Thanksgiving) post your photos and videos of you dancing (ballet or any other form of dance) on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Vine using the hashtag #adultballerinas. Then each Friday until January 3rd, I’ll post a weekly recap of your photos and videos posted throughout the week.

Don’t have a social media account or prefer to e-mail photos? You’ll be able to e-mail photos to adultballerinaproject@gmail.com to participate too!

Not enough incentive yet? Over the next few weeks I’ll be looking for rewards to giveaway to those who participate, but for now I’m still on the hunt for prize ideas–if you have an idea of what would make a great prize or know someone who’d like to donate something for the contest, let me know!

Thank you to http://politefrivolity.blogspot.com/ for sparking the idea!


Why are dancers so clumsy?


What comes up when you do a search for “why are dancers so…”

Dancers are supposed to be graceful, so why is it that so many of us seem to be so clumsy when out of the studio? Not that I’m exactly uber graceful when in the studio either–but I’m certainly a klutz outside the studio. I’ve been resting the past few days after slightly twisting my ankle while carrying stuff to my apartment on Sunday.

There are lots of different theories on why dancers are more clumsy:

The Dance Project lists a few reasons: dancers lack ankle dorisflexion (flexing their feet) and dancers tend to develop  thoracic outlet syndrome.

There’s also a popular Dance.net forum topic dedicated to different theories. My favorite is this joke:

“If a 2X4 is laying on the floor of a stage an actor will trip on it, a stagehand will step over it, and a dancer will trip on the spot where the board was long after it has been put away.”

Are you clumsy outside of dance? What do you “blame” it on?

Dance Magazine’s 7 Deadly Sins

dancemagazineI’m a little bit ashamed to admit I’ve had to correct quite a few of Dance Magazine’s 7 Deadly Sins throughout my short time as a dancer–most notably rolling my feet in when forcing my turnout (a big no-no, I know) and generally because I have flat feet.

I’ve also given into hyperextension before I really knew better than not to do so. Thanks to Physical Therapy, I’m slowly but surely working to correct both of these bad habits. I’ve also used too much tension, as well, as I get nervous about some things in ballet class like small group work.

Which of these haven’t I dealt with?! I’ve been stuck in a rut, too–although that’s been an easier “habit” (if it even really is a “habit”) to break.

How have you been working on breaking old habits or avoided getting stuck in a dance rut?


Beginner Ballerina Profile: Judith Villarreal of Chasing Glitter

This week’s profile comes from an adult beginner in South Korea, and runs her own blog about travel, food, style, culture, and event called Chasing Glitter.

ballet1When did you start doing ballet as an adult?

I took my first ballet lesson on Monday of this week. October 28, 2013. It was my first class and I was hesitant to actually walk into the studio, but I’m so glad I walked through the doors and stepped into those ballet slippers. I loved every minute of that class and was genuinely disappointed when the hour was up. I actually snuck in a bit early for my Wednesday class to stretch and watch the previous class. That’s how much I enjoy being in that studio.

Did you ever take lessons as a kid?

When I was little I would tell everyone I wanted to be a ballerina when I grew up, so my sweet mom enrolled me in summer lessons. We didn’t exactly have money to burn when I was a kid, and the cost of lessons, slippers, outfits, and other small expenses became too great of a financial strain. Even though I was sad to leave, I still remember being so happy that I got to spend an entire summer in a pink tutu. I think I might be trying to appease the child in me by taking lessons up almost 17 years later. I still get the same feeling I had as a little girl when I slip on pink tights.

Why did you decide to take ballet as an adult?

To be honest, it was completely random. I moved to South Korea almost 3 months ago, and I’m still getting used to my surroundings. During my free days, I walk aimlessly around town to get a feel for my area. One day as I was walking, I saw a banner for a ballet academy. I had an entire afternoon to kill so I decided to walk in and ask about classes. The instructor didn’t speak a word of English, and my Korean skills are that of a toddler, but it didn’t matter. The moment I saw the studio, my heart was sold. I signed up for classes then and there.

Where do you take classes?

At a studio called Sejong Ballet Academy in Jochiwon, South Korea. The studio is in a small town which is perfect. There are only two other girls in class with me, so the instructor is able to focus on us carefully.

What is your favorite part about ballet?

My favorite part is the leaps. I have never felt stronger than when I’m leaping across the wooden floors of the studio. Each time my leg lifts a bit higher or I land gracefully rather than stomping down, I feel an amazing sense of accomplishment. If I ever felt like I couldn’t do anything outside of the studio, I think going in for a few leaps would instantly change my mind.

What is your least favorite part?

Stretching! I used to be so flexible in high school and college, but now that I’m older, I’m as rigid as they come! It can sometimes discouraging to know I have a long way to go, so I try to stretch as much as I can when I’m at home working or reading.

Who/What is your ballet inspiration?

This is honestly going to sound absurd, so I apologize in advance to serious ballerinas everywhere. I loved the fact that Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis picked up ballet for an entire year to do the movie Black Swan. I understand that they had body doubles, but at 27 and 29 years old they learned enough ballet to do small scenes in the movie themselves. I’m not trying to become the next world famous ballerina. I do it because I have fun and I love it. Knowing that others have picked it up late in life and were successful makes me feel hopeful.

What motivates you to keep dancing?

Knowing that one day I’ll have a better leap or turn than I did today keeps me motivated.

Do you take any other dance classes?

Not at the moment. Once I get settled into Korea a bit more, though, I’d like to pick up salsa or swing.

What are your hobbies outside of ballet?

I love to write. I write daily for my blog, and I hope to tell my readers all about my new experiences in ballet. I’m also currently gearing up for my next Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). I participated in my first one last year and won. I’ve been looking forward to November all year because of Nanowrimo. The feeling I had when I completed an entire novel in a month was completely indescribable. I can’t wait to feel that again! One more day!

What advice would you like to give to those who want to start ballet or have just started?

Have fun with it! We all want to be better ballerinas. We all want to jump higher, spin faster, and point harder, and we’ll get there if we’re patient. Don’t be hard on yourself on the days when your body refuses to do what you ask it, and always remember to leave class smiling. You’re in ballet because you love it and because you love the feeling you get when twirling in the air. Don’t ever forget that!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Don’t forget to thank your instructor! I thank mine in two different languages daily. I can’t imagine the patience she must have to watch me take baby steps every day. If I were her, I’d probably just lose my patience and twirl away saying “Just do it like this. See? It’s easy!” (Except she’d say it in Korean, and I wouldn’t understand a word.)

Instructors are the nicest and most patient people I’ve ever met.

Do you have a blog?

Yes, I write at www.chasingglitter.com about travel, food, style, culture, and events. Blogging has been my obsession lately. I really hope my passion for writing translates through my website. I even did an entire post on my decision to take ballet lessons here: http://www.chasingglitter.com/blog/2013/10/28/the-black-swan-project

I called it The Black Swan Project. It seemed fitting.