Six Weeks and Counting: Injury Update and 2014 Goals

It’s been about six weeks since I went and I had an MRI done on my legs and discovered that in fact, had stress fractures. It really sucked, but it was nice to finally have an explanation for the pain I had experienced. For the next two weeks I plan on gradually adding back some of my PT exercises before attempting to gradually get back into the swing of things.

Even though it’s been relatively tough to not be at ballet or running, the holidays have certainly helped a bunch and I’ve kept busy with crocheting, coding, etc. I’m also working on yet another new website design using TwentyFourteen which is pretty cool (and more news-site, less blog which is a look I want to go for).

Rather than set resolutions (because everyone eventually just forgets those in a few weeks anyway), I’ve decided to set a few 2014 goals:

  • Read more often, borrow from our local library more. I don’t read often enough and it’s something I really miss. Any and all book suggestions welcome!
  • Learn more coding. The more and more I learn more coding, the more I think it’s something I’m potentially interested in going back to school for. Hoping to successfully complete Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Programming class this year with HQ. I’ll probably make the two of us blog about it.
  • Grow out my bangs. Seems kind of silly, but I always end up getting fed up with them and cutting them again. I’d like to be able to put my hair up into a bun without having to use a billion clips and bobby pins.
  • Get back into ballet. Fairly straight forward, but it’s going to take some work for me to not just jump back into it and instead start off with one class a week before moving to 2-3 classes a week. Baby steps.
  • Complete Couch25K Properly. Last time I skipped some levels and jumped around, so my aim this time is to actually follow all the steps to gradually get into running. Someone yell at me if I fail at this or jump too fast into ballet, too.
  • Blog and write more often. I’m hoping to write and blog more often, as well as read more blogs and get more involved in the blogging universe. I recently became a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador, so I’m hoping that will help push me in the right direction, too.

What are your 2014 goals? What books should I add to my reading list? What are your favorite blogs right now?

6 tips for the new runner (or those getting back into it)

Renee - First half marathon(Editor’s note: This week’s guest post is part of my Elf For Health Challenge. I’m participating in a blog swap where we swap blogs with someone else who will write about her expertise for our blog. I was paired with Renee Beck, who shared her expertise about running.)

I’ve been running since I was 14 years old. I ran cross country and track in high school and college. I’ve run countless 5Ks, a handful of 10Ks and 10-milers, and two half marathons. No, I’m not bragging. I’m telling you that after all of that running, there are days when it’s hard. It hurts. So why do I keep lacing up?

 Running gives back what you put into it. If I push myself, I’m rewarded with faster times, a healthier (and fitter) body, and a feeling of general awesomeness. Plus, it doesn’t matter if you run 10 feet or 10 miles: You’re a runner. Here are six tips for the new (or newly returned) runner:

  1. Start slow and steady. I love the Couch to 5K program for those who are just getting started. I’ve also used it after taking time off. You only have to do three days a week, so it’s easy to complete and feel accomplished.

  2. Take the scenic route. This is the time to bust out your favorite route. I love running by the Under Armour corporate headquarters in Baltimore.

  3. Crank up the tunes. I know that some people like to run without music, but when you are getting into the groove of things, it can really help to have some motivational music. (Check out this post for my top 10 favorite running songs.)

  4. Enlist a buddy. If you can, a friend into running with you or go with a running group. It’s much easier to hit the pavement when someone is waiting for you.

  5. Know that every run can’t be a good run. It’s a running law or something. You can have the best run of your life one day and then struggle each step of the next. One foot in front of the other; it will get easier.

  6. Prepare in advance. If you know that you have a busy schedule ahead, look at your timeline closely to see if there are any openings for a run. I add runs to my to-do list so that I also get the satisfaction of crossing it off!

Plus, once you’re a runner, you’ll be able to understand this video:

Visit Renee’s blog,

Updates, Updates, Updates–I’m almost PT free!

Why hello there!

I feel as if I’ve been awfully busy lately, between work and freelance work and Physical Therapy appointments and haven’t been updating on here as much as I’d like.

Finally, after about a month of PT, I should be just about good to go. I had my last appointment last Friday, and as long as everything still feels okay this week (my PT is supposed to be calling at some point this week to check in)–everything should be great. I have to go see my ortho again at the end of this week too–well actually a different ortho doctor considering my old one switched offices–but at least this one now is much closer!

I’ve been back to my (almost) full-on ballet schedule for about three weeks now which consists of two classes a week and it feels great–although sometimes it’s really tiring since I haven’t been in class a lot. We’ve been working on a Nutcracker combination in class that focuses on some of the steps we’ve been learning at the barre and center–which has been a lot of fun, but I can’t say I sad to see it go as we’ll be working on something new this week. Two weeks ago I was really exhausted from work and ended up having a terrible ballet class where I completely messed up the combination and got really frustrated with myself for messing it up. Luckily the week after I had two good classes in a row where I felt like I did really well.

The last step in getting completely back to ballet is to add Monday classes back . I thought about going this week but then I completely forgot about it until it was too late!

In other news, I’m still not running as much as I used to. I ran for about a week and a half when my PT said it was okay, and then I twisted my ankle (while walking–not running) and haven’t ran since. The cold isn’t helping to motivate me, but hopefully I’ll be back at it soon with more of a free schedule.

What has your ballet life been like lately?

PS. The studios have all been moved over to this URL, but if you notice something is broken–let me know! I was having some issues uploading them. If you’d like to add a studio, email me at

FOMO: Fear of Missing Out

I first really learned what FOMO is thanks to Dance Academy. In the episode, Tara’s leg is finally beginning to heal, but she  begins to fear missing out on 2185782normal teenage things, like dances and boys while at the academy.

My FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a little bit different. I’m worried about missing out on things in ballet class and fall behind with running.

I finally did the math and I’ve missed more than 20 weeks of ballet class in the past year thanks to this injury alone, and I’ve missed even more from being otherwise sick and holidays. I know I’m falling behind all the women in my class who are already en pointe, and are doing pretty well en pointe, too–because they started over 8 months ago. I’ve only been able to attend about three pointe classes, and they don’t seem to be happening in my future.

But it’s more than just falling behind in class–I recently learned that a couple of months ago I missed on getting together with some of the women who go to ballet class because I wasn’t there because I was injured. Although I’m slowly getting back into the swing of going to classes–I’m afraid I’m going to miss out on something this again if I have to take a break from classes again.

Although it’s a little harder to miss out on running, I’m worried I’m going to fall behind my boyfriend and my sister, and that when I can finally return to running, I won’t be able to run as fast as them anymore. While HQ hasn’t gone running without me yet, he’ll probably go soon, and I haven’t been given the clear to run yet. While he has always run faster than me, I’m worried I’ll be even slower and it’ll take me longer to get back to the same level I was on.

Have you ever dealt with the fear of missing out? How did you deal with it?


Shin Splints and Dealing with Injuries Emotionally via Pointe Magazine

Image via Pointe Magazine by Colin Fowler.

Image via Pointe Magazine by Colin Fowler.

I should really subscribe to Pointe Magazine.

I bought an issue about 6 months ago while I was working on a design project (one of my assignments was to transform the layouts of an already established magazine to fit my own, for adult ballet dancers). I love some of the things that are written (a lot moreso than some of the other dance magazines).

For instance, this is one of my favorite articles on shin splints. So often, most articles mostly talk about shin splints and running. And while I’m doing all that I can to help prevent shin splints on that front (I finally have insoles and will probably get fitted for my next pair of sneakers once I’m up and running again)–the problem still persists in ballet because of my super flat feet. This article helps address what causes shin splints in ballet dancers and gives some really good tips for treatment–I love my pinky bouncy ball for massage and using a cup filled with ice to ice massage.

I’ve been in PT for about a week now, working on strengthening my feet, ankles and calf muscles to get back to ballet. Hopefully, this will finally help me get better and I’ll be able to dance (and run) pain free.

I also loved this column about dealing with emotions while injured. I had such a tough time coping with being out of ballet back in April when everyone around me was seemingly really busy. It seemed like I was always  at home watching TV while people were out having fun because the boot made it really tough to get around and I couldn’t go to ballet or run to keep myself occupied.

Luckily, thanks to PT I should be back soon and I’ve been pretty well occupied since I’ve stopped running or dancing (after the Rescue Run 5K). I may even be able to start barre as soon as Thursday or Saturday!