Archives for April 2013

Beginner Ballet Tips: Grand Plies in Fourth

Ballet class

(Photo credit: Oude School)

Grand plies in fourth position: yuck, right?

Okay, maybe you don’t have a problem with grand plies in fourth, but I certainly do. I’m always super wobbly while doing them. I realize that this probably has a lot to do with the fact my turnout needs a lot of work (my feet can look a mess in fourth position if I’m not being careful).

As it turns out, a quick Google search found a lot of people struggling with grand plies in fourth position, with a lot of them even questioning a need for them, as they’re kind of harsh on the knees.

Someone else recommended keeping a very small fourth position that allows you to really feel your turnout. Other people on the same message board recommended making sure your back knee doesn’t bend too far in, maintaining proper turnout, and keeping your weight equal on the same legs.

My goals for improving my fourth position grand plies will be both working on my turnout and strengthening my knees (from Dance Spirit Magazine). I’m already doing the squats from the knee strengthening post!

Do you have trouble with 4th position grand plies? Do you think they should be banned?

Note: I’m not a professional ballet instructor or fitness instructor, just sharing the notes I found helpful when I was looking for help for myself.

Balancing Ballet, Life and Work

Over at my internship’s homepage we’re currently asking,  “How do personal choices about family and love affect your life/work as an artist?”

While none of us make a living out of being recreational ballet dancers, sometimes life, family, work and more can get in the way of dancing as much as we’d like. It can even affect our performance in our ballet classes (a late Friday night out can kill my Saturday morning ballet class just like a busy day of classes and school work can kill my Thursday night class). I often give up ballet classes to get more work done, go see a performance for an internship, or just because I’m plain old too tired.

Luckily, I have an amazing dance membership that allows me to take as many or few dance classes I want for a month, so I can take some “me” time when I feel like it’s necessary and I don’t have to feel strapped into a schedule. Not only that, it allows me to shift what days I want to do ballet. For instance, my boyfriend and I are participating in an “Urban Scramble” tonight with Philadelphia Runner, where we’ll be running around to different businesses in center city to collect raffle tickets. This makes me really glad I’m not chained to taking classes every Thursday–I can go on Saturday and Monday instead.

I'm super excited for this.

I’m super excited for this.

What I’ve learned recently, as I’ve mentioned, is that balancing things so that I’m happy is key. Just like I don’t want to push myself with running, I don’t want to feel like I HAVE to go to ballet when I’m not feeling 100% or a fun activity comes up. I need to make choices that make me happy. I can both do a fun activity with my boyfriend on Thursday and still fit in time in the ballet studio this week.

How do you balance ballet/dance and the rest of your life?

Sometimes It’s Okay to Give Up + Day 1 of April Stretch Challenge

Sometimes, you just have to know when to stop doing something (No, I’m not quitting ballet).

I’ve decided to drop out of the Broad Street Run (my boyfriend has too). After a long thought process and debating selling our bibs several times (between starting training late because of my shin splints and busy schedules).  After a particularly rough training day at the gym today, we’ve decided to pass on this year’s race.

While I’m a little bit sad about it, I feel like it’s for the best.

I’m not giving up on running, I’ve just decided to take it slower, and not unnecessarily push myself (seeing as how that’s what usually causes injuries). Part of it is so I can focus more on ballet (rather than killing myself trying to do both as I’m trying to come back from my injury). I plan on listening to my body more and stopping when I’m in too much pain (guilty as charged–I run and dance when I really shouldn’t be sometimes).


yoga (Photo credit: GO INTERACTIVE WELLNESS)

On a brighter note, my Squat and Plank challenge has been going well (Check out the Facebook Group–it’s still not too late to join!) Who ever thought I could hold a minute and fifteen second long plank? Not me, that’s for sure!

I also did day 1 of my April Stretch Challenge (I picked doing yoga to generally increase my flexibility). My mild shin splints feel better and my hips feel awesome.

How are you challenging yourself this April?

Pro Compression Sock Review + Giveaway

I love compression socks, both for recovering after ballet as well as running.

According to PRO Compression’s website, “Whether at rest, playing a round of golf or running a marathon, your PRO Compression socks are working to circulate blood back to your heart and lungs. With more efficient circulation comes less fatigue and your tired muscles are replenished with fresh oxygen and nutrients to reduce soreness and give you the extra stamina needed to exert yourself at the fullest.”

Compression socks have been great for recovering from tough calf straining ballet classes too.

I own about three other pairs of compression socks (some CW-X pink socks, a pair of grey Adidas ones, a pair of black Adidas compression sleeves). While all three of these pairs of brought me some necessary relief, I’ve had gripes with all of them. The CW-X ones slide down my leg easily and easily collect hair and dust from the floor (ick!) and the grey Adidas ones are too short (where I usually have the most shin splint pain is just below my knee). The sleeves are awesome of actually wearing to ballet (under legwarmers) but other than that they seem to be too tight for extended wear.

Cute and Compact Packaging!

Cute and Compact Packaging!

The PRO Compression socks were awesome. No sliding problems and they felt perfectly snug! Not to mention, they’re a pretty great price if you (40% and free shipping with code BLG13=30 dollars for a pair of their Marathon socks) compared to a lot of the pricier compression socks. And they come in pretty awesome colors, like bright pink.

I felt awesome Friday morning after sleeping in my PRO Compression socks after ballet.

photo (8)

Pointed Ballerina feet in cute compression socks!

The only cons I found about these (although they’re my favorite pair so far) is that sometimes I suffer from a little too much compression in my knee area, but this is usually solved by pulling them down a bit (probably because I have the bad habit of pulling them up too high because I have to pull my CW-X to get them to stay up). They also seemed to make me slip in my sneakers a bit more, but that wasn’t a huge problem.

Overall, I’d definitely recommend them if you’re looking for some awesome compression socks for a good price. And if you’re interested, Adult Ballerina Project is giving away a pair of PRO Compression socks! Click to enter the giveaway through my Rafflecopter giveaway.

PRO Compression Marathon Socks were provided by PRO Compression free of charge in exchange for a review. I was not paid for my review.  The opinions contained in this review are mine and based on my experience, and do not reflect the opinions of PRO Compression or anyone else.